8 Tips To Prevent Heart Attack

 Nothing can beat a healthy heart. Yes, that’s true but then the question arises as to what needs to be done to prevent heart disease.

Different platforms overflow with the tips to prevent heart disease. This is an endeavor by Smt. Parvati Devi Hospital to make you aware of the valuable tips which can keep your heart safe. Following tips have been verified and compiled by the expert healthcare providers who have years of experience in taking the right care of the heart and thus helping the patients lead a healthy life. Below listed tips can prevent heart disease and improve your cardiac health -

Maintain a healthy weight

Being overweight will surely ruin your health especially if one has more fat around the abdomen. The dominant reason as to why being overweight can cause heart disease is that it is capable of leading to high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high cholesterol, if these conditions arise then you must contact the expert for diabetes treatment in Amritsar.

A combination of the following, known as Metabolic syndrome, can be fatal as it increases the risk of heart disease -
It’s high time to start losing weight if you are a victim of excessive weight. A small weight loss can take you closer to enhance your cardiac health.

Exercise regularly

Exercise coupled with other lifestyle measures, such as maintaining your weight, can render greater payoffs.
One should indulge in exercise for at least four days a week thus making a total of 150 minutes of exercise for each week.
One who exercises daily is doing the most ideal thing to take care of his heart.
This reduces the chances of conditions which can in some way affect the heart.
Regular exercise regulates blood pressure, controlled blood sugar, and cholesterol which ultimately lead to the prevention of heart disease.
Not to forget that gardening, taking stairs, housekeeping and other such chores also contribute towards a healthy heart.

Don’t smoke or use tobacco

Carbon monoxide present in cigarettes replaces some of the oxygen in the blood which ignites the problem of high blood pressure and increased heart rate since the heart needs to work hard to supply oxygen.
Tobacco is synonymous to slow death. Using tobacco builds up plaque which narrows the arteries and this becomes the prominent reason of heart attack.
No amount of smoking can be considered safe in any way. So quit smoking today before it makes you quit your healthy heart.

Eat a heart-healthy diet

Help your heart remain healthy by eating a healthy diet. Now, diet here not only means what you should include but it also encompasses what you need to avoid and to what extent.
  • A diet rich in fruits and vegetables which can protect the heart from many diseases should be made a part of your daily diet.
  • Aim to eat beans, low-fat or fat-free dairy products, and fish.
  • Keep a check on alcohol intake.
  • Avoid excessive intake of salt and sugar in your diet.
  • Avoid saturated fats, trans-fat, and carbohydrates.
Avoid consuming fast food or junk food. It is basically a pre-prepared or packaged food that has low nutritional components. Such food items are notorious for being unhealthy as these contribute to weight gain, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.

Say yes to good health by saying no to junk food.

Originally published at http://parvatihospital.com on January 22, 2019. 

It has been observed in most of the cases that these tips are very effective in preventing heart disease to the maximum limit.

But sometimes there comes a moment when an expert’s intervention becomes necessary.
Choosing the right cardiologist in Amritsar and being able to get the right treatment is all that you need at that very moment.

best cardiologist in amritsar
We, Smt. Paarvati Devi Hospital, are a team of expert healthcare providers dedicated to rendering the right care and cure through our effective treatments because your health is our priority.
A combination of expertise and world-class treatments is what makes our healthcare services the best in the region. Contact our experts for a healthy future.
Stay safe. Stay healthy!
