Tips For Laparoscopic Surgery Recovery

Keyhole or laparoscopic surgery may be a preferred technique for conditions such as hernia, gallbladder stones, anti-reflux disease, small or large bowel disease. Since then, this surgery involves small incisions [surgical cuts] in the abdomen, so the recovery process can be quick.

But knowing how to recover from laparoscopic surgery helps alleviate potential anxiety. When having laparoscopic surgery, one of the most common questions asked is how to recover quickly after surgery. But you should know that the recovery time is different for each person because each person has a different healing process.

When laparoscopic surgery is done for diagnostic purposes only, the patient is usually cured within five days. But when performed to treat a medical condition such as laparoscopic hysterectomy, ovarian removal, or kidney removal to treat cancer, healing can take up to 12 weeks.

However, the time it takes to recover from laparoscopic surgery depends on several factors such as:

  • Purpose of surgery
  • Scope of surgery
  • Presence of other medical conditions such as diabetes or heart disease.
  • Your surgeon
  • The general state of health and age of the patient.

Therefore, it is advisable to follow your doctor's advice regarding your recovery process. Also, you can follow the laparoscopic recovery tips mentioned below to recover faster after laparoscopic surgery:

Caring for wounds

Taking care of your wounds is extremely important after laparoscopic surgery. Since your incisions are already surrounded by a suture under the skin, there is no need to apply additional ointment.

After laparoscopic surgery, you need to be very careful when cleaning your wounds. Avoid rubbing the wounds or rubbing them with alcohol or iodine, as this can damage the tissue. You can contact your surgeon regarding

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