
Showing posts from May, 2021

Bacterial Vs Viral Infections: What’s The Difference?

The terms bacterial or viral infections are often confused. These infections are the cause of many human illnesses which include; cough, sneezing, fever, inflammation, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue and cramps. Prompt treatment of these infections is necessary to rule out other health complications. Bacterial and viral infections can be similar to most people, but these infections differ in several ways. Additionally, differentiating between the two requires medical intervention as both can cause fever and irritability. Bacteria and viruses are everywhere around us: Bacteria and viruses are around us in truly staggering numbers. There are 10 billion times more bacteria in our oceans and millions of viruses around the world. These bacteria and viruses can travel through the air and cause disease to worsen. What are bacteria ?: Bacteria are tiny microorganisms made up of single cells. Bacteria are diverse and can have a wide variety of shapes and structural characteristics. However, only a

Are The Vaccines Effective Against The New Covid Variants?

  India is the subject of a massive vaccination trial amid the devastating increase in the number of daily COVID cases. The fierce second wave of COVID-19 devastated the entire nation. Therefore, scientists are working hard to understand the variants of the coronavirus in order to understand the effectiveness of vaccines against these variants. When a COVID virus replicates, it can change quite a bit, which is normal for a virus. These changes are often called "mutations." However, one or more new mutations in the virus are called a "variant" of the original virus. Viruses are constantly mutating, allowing them to produce different versions of their variants. While most of these mutations are insignificant and some can even make the virus less dangerous, some variants can make it more contagious and more difficult to vaccinate. So if looking for vaccination then consult with best hospital in Amritsar  India COVID variant: The variant, officially known as B.1.617, wa

8 Most Common Urology Problems In Men

  Urology problem focuses on the  tract  system  that's  responsible for  creating and removing urine from the body.  the entire  system includes kidneys, bladder, ureter, urethra  and therefore the  reproductive system .  the sector  also addresses problems  associated with  male reproductive organs. It is inevitable  that the majority of  men will experience some  kind of  urological problems  and may  cause  pain, discomfort and other serious health issues  just in case  the problems  are left untreated. But early detection  and therefore the  right treatment can save precious lives of men from succumbing to urological disorders. Get in touch with the most experienced   kidney doctor in Amritsar   and discuss your concerns that are troubling your health. Following Are The 8  commonest  Urology Problems In Men Enlarged Prostate (BPH) BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia)  may be a  benign (noncancerous) enlargement of the prostate. It blocks the flow of urine through the urethra. Th

Tips For Laparoscopic Surgery Recovery

Keyhole or laparoscopic surgery may be a preferred technique for conditions such as hernia, gallbladder stones, anti-reflux disease, small or large bowel disease. Since then, this surgery involves small incisions [surgical cuts] in the abdomen, so the recovery process can be quick. But knowing how to recover from laparoscopic surgery helps alleviate potential anxiety. When having laparoscopic surgery, one of the most common questions asked is how to recover quickly after surgery. But you should know that the recovery time is different for each person because each person has a different healing process. When laparoscopic surgery is done for diagnostic purposes only, the patient is usually cured within five days. But when performed to treat a medical condition such as laparoscopic hysterectomy, ovarian removal, or kidney removal to treat cancer, healing can take up to 12 weeks. However, the time it takes to recover from laparoscopic surgery depends on several factors such as: Purpose of

What Are The Causes Of Migraine In Women?

Migraine is the third most common disease in the world with an estimated global prevalence of 14.7%. Migraine is a neurological condition that can cause multiple problems. It is an intense pounding headache that gradually gets worse. Globally, women suffer from this chronic pain more frequently than men. Any movement, activity, or internal body factors can trigger the pain and make it hurt more. What Causes Migraines In Women : It is one of the most talked-about issues. A strong headache often comes with nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light. In some people, this pain happens in stages. Abnormal changes in the level of substances that naturally occur in the brain can cause Migraine in Women . It causes blood vessels in the brain to swell and cause severe pain. The migraine attacks can be triggered by:  Lack or too much sleep  Irregular lifestyle.  Hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle.  Stress, anxiety, and depression.  Too much intake of caffeine   Foods containing tyramine