
Showing posts from June, 2019

Top Winter Health Tips For Children 

Winters have already approached. Although, a majority of us wait a whole long year for this season, yet we have our own challenges to endure with. People from different walks of age groups have their own difficulties to confront. Consequently, here we are addressing some major shortcomings encountered by parents when it comes to neonatal care. Lately, we have been swamped with queries pertaining & care to new-borns in winters. Let us, the best children’s hospital in Amritsar browse through some major concerns to be taken into consideration this season- Nourish your baby with a habitual massage Adhering to the recommendations passed on from generations to ingrain the habit of consistent massage within your neonatal care regimen. Irrespective of the season, a new-born should always be given a consistent oil massage. This not only helps to maintain the moisture level of the baby but also stimulates the blood flow. Subseque

8 Tips To Prevent Heart Attack

 Nothing can beat a healthy heart. Yes, that’s true but then the question arises as to what needs to be done to prevent heart disease. Different platforms overflow with the tips to prevent heart disease. This is an endeavor by Smt. Parvati Devi Hospital to make you aware of the valuable tips which can keep your heart safe. Following tips have been verified and compiled by the expert healthcare providers who have years of experience in taking the right care of the heart and thus helping the patients lead a healthy life. Below listed tips can prevent heart disease and improve your cardiac health - Maintain a healthy weight Being overweight will surely ruin your health especially if one has more fat around the abdomen. The dominant reason as to why being overweight can cause heart disease is that it is capable of leading to high blood pressure, high blood sugar , and high cholesterol, if these conditions arise then you must contact the expert for diabetes treatment in

15 Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy - Everything You Need to Know

Congratulations! And welcome to motherhood.   Since we at Smt. Parvati Devi Hospital, understand the importance of these most awaited and special moments in your life. Pertaining to this, we have curated a list of the best pregnancy tips on nutrition and safety to let you experience a healthy pregnancy. Being one of the best hospital in Amritsar , we prioritize your health and safety. So, let’s run down through the inevitable 15 tips that one should follow through her pregnancy. Schedule Early Parental Care The first and the foremost task, when you discover that you are pregnant, is to fish for the best doctor and a childbearing center. Make sure that you pick for a qualified and an easily approachable doctor who can guide you effectively pre and post pregnancy. Moreover, it is prudent to register your ultrasounds and other important tests well in advance to keep you prepped ahead of time. Being one of the best gynecology hospital in Amritsar , we help you schedule your