
Showing posts from February, 2021

Headaches: Types, Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment

Headaches are always so bulky that they do not allow the patient to focus on anything. Sometimes a headache becomes so unsettling that it is difficult to deal with. In fact, a headache can become a hindrance in your normal harmonious life because it can distract you from your daily responsibilities. Therefore, it is essential to take this problem seriously and become familiar with various aspects of headaches, such as types, symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment. Smt. Parvati Devi Hospital specializes in providing the best treatment for all types of headaches in Amritsar. Our medical specialists fully understand the various causes and symptoms of different types of headaches and therefore prescribe the best medication to properly treat the problem. As said, prevention is better than cure! Therefore, knowing various symptoms, causes, diagnoses, and treatment options can help protect you from the severity of headaches, and thus you can successfully manage the problem! Learn about th

How To Prevent High Blood Pressure Problems

Did you know According to the results of a large-scale survey in 2019, Indians over the age of 45 had higher levels of high blood pressure than the young people surveyed and average blood pressure in the person was around 120/77 that year.  According to the American Heart Association, blood pressure is the amount of force that is exerted on the walls of the arteries when the heartbeats.  High blood pressure, also called hypertension, increases your chances of developing other diseases like heart disease, stroke, and kidney problems. While you can't always control things to prevent blood pressure problems , there are things you can do to help lower your risk. How can high blood pressure be prevented? Watch your weight When it comes to preventing hypertension, weight is the most crucial factor and it is known to increase with weight gain. Also, being overweight means there will be sleep disturbances (sleep apnea), leading to blood pressure problems. Regular exercise If you don't

Top 10 Symptoms You May Need To See A Neurologist

Neurological disorders generally target the brain, nerves, and spine. However, the appearance of symptoms varies depending on the area of ​​the brain affected. Patients with disorders tend to present primarily physical, emotional, behavioral, and cognitive symptoms. Our neurologist in Amritsar has been observing these symptoms for years. Common symptoms of Neurological Disorder What intimidates us about neurological or brain treatments ? This is a question that people should consider! There are some common signs by which a patient with a neurological disease can be confirmed. At Amritsar Best Neurology Hospital, the patient is examined for the following symptoms: MIGRAINE OR HEADACHE Do you have a headache every 2-3 days? It can be an alert! Regular headaches are the most common sign of nervous system problems. Headache can be described as a disabling and painful feature in its own right, classified as cluster headache, tension headache, and migraine. Headaches can be common for many o

How To Get Rid Of Skin Problems?

Are you irritated by your skin problems? Worried about factors that make your skin worse? If so, you are not alone in this fight. According to one source: In general, infections of the skin and subcutaneous tissue were the most frequent (32.6%), followed by disorders of the skin appendages (19.8%) and dermatitis and eczema (18, 8%). Of the total number of patients, 16.9% had dermatitis and 16.7% acne. Skin problems can vary in terms of symptoms and severity. They can be temporary or permanent and can be painless or painful. Some skin problems are due to situational causes, while others may be due to genetics. Many skin conditions are mild and potentially fatal. Always be in contact with your Amritsar skin specialist if you think you have any of these common skin problems. It would be desirable to visualize the causes of skin problems as soon as possible. This will help you get the right treatment at the right time. What are the most common skin problems? Temporary skin problems Include