
Showing posts from June, 2020

Lung Disease – Signs And Symptoms You Must Not Ignore

People usually take health issues lightly, attributing signs or symptoms to growing rapidly or being out of shape. It can not be convenient to ignore what seems like reasonably critical symptoms, not knowing that they’re telltale signs that you have a Lung disease. Chronic lung diseases  respond best to treatment when their symptoms are caught early. The longer the disease has had to increase, the more difficult it’ll be to treat, and the weaker the result will be for the patient. Chronic Cough If you’ve had a cough problem for more than a month, then it’s medically considered a chronic cough. Almost all lung problems have a persistent cough as one of its main signs. It’s a warning symptom that your lungs are not entirely well. Overproduction Of Mucus Mucus is the body’s best defense against diseases and irritants in the airways. If you have a cold or the flu, then producing a lot of sputum or mucus is natural. Diagnosis For Lung Disease A  chest doctor  or

Warning Signs Of Brain Tumor: Symptoms And Causes - Smt Parvati devi hospital

A survey by the International Association of Cancer Registries suggests that every year in India, more than 28,000 cases of severe brain tumours are reported, and what marks for the worst part is the delay in diagnosis leads to death of approximately 24,000 patients. As recorded by most experts, the chance of housing a brain tumour is 1% that may seem a number not worth worrying about, but believe tumours are life-threatening and can be fatal if ignored. If you suspect carrying a brain tumour or your loved one, you should know about the warning signs and treatment of a brain tumour before it is too late. Here we are with all conclusive information you need to know about the tumour, and it’s treatment. What Is A Brain Tumor? A mass or growth of abnormal cells in the brain forms a tumour in the brain. As studies suggest, tumours in the brain are not the same as tumours in other organs of the body. They have a restricted room for growth because of the skull due to which the

7 Warning Signs You Should See A Neurologist – Smt Parvati Devi Hospital

Neurologist and neurosurgeon have expertise in taking care of the nervous system in the body. They typically work on the brain and the spinal cord within that system, and that is because those parts are typically where neurological issues begin from. These doctors are highly qualified and skilled to deal with any neurological problem that any person may have, including brain tumours, brain surgery, bulging discs, and brain condition treatments. There are around 1.5 billion people around the globe who are struggling with some chronic pain. Although this number may make the problem seem normalized, no person should be living with pain like that. Most of the time, these people need to visit a neurosurgeon to help with the issue. Here are some common signs that you should probably seek the medical treatment or assistance of a neurosurgeon. Neuropathic Pain Neuropathic pain is pain that occurs when nerves are injured from any disease. Diabetes can be the reason for nerve