
Showing posts from October, 2019

Warning Signs of Diabetes in Children - Causes & Treatment

Children are the gift of God. But sometimes this gift has to suffer the trauma of diabetes. Yes! You read it right. Research shows that young people (with special reference to children) who develop diabetes are more likely to face health issues throughout their life. At such a tender age, children may not be able to track the changes happening in their body. So it is up to the parents to keep a check on the warning signs of diabetes in children. Diabetes management in children is crucial. As a parent, you need to wake up and check for the causes of diabetes in your child. With the increasing awareness about diabetes, its management, and treatment; our Diabetes Specialists in Amritsar bring to you this article to help you know what actually are the reasons and treatment of diabetes. Let us begin! Warning signs of diabetes in children Type 1 Diabetes The most common symptoms of type 1 diabetes among children are: Increased thirst and frequent urination