
Showing posts from May, 2019

What is Diabetes  -  Types and Early Symptoms of Diabetes

Sweet things in life are not always sweet. Ask a diabetic patient and you shall know what ‘sweet’ means to them. Diabetes, it comes in different forms and at different stages with some common and some varying symptoms of each. With the increasing awareness about diabetes, its management, and treatment; our Diabetes Specialists in Amritsar bring to you this article to help you know what actually diabetes is, its types and symptoms. Surely, this article shall act as an ice-breaker for many as they will get to know what was unknown to them earlier about diabetes. And here we begin! What is diabetes? Well, diabetes is a disease when the level of the blood glucose rises. Blood glucose is also known by the name of blood sugar . Whatever we consume provides us with blood glucose which is the source of energy for our body. The increasing and decreasing in diabetes is very bad for our health and it can lead to some serious problem and it needs to be treated as soon as possible